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Floor refinishing
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Corgi Barks stain
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  New expletives tried out
in floor sanding trials
    A sanding machine provided hours of entertainment for family members

A number of new and inventive swear words were used this summer as various Murphys sanded and refinished the hardwood floors throughout the house.

"What we thought would be long and hard job turned out to be long, hard and incredibly horrific," explained Gracie. "I don't think I will volunteer to help the next time this comes up."

The job involved moving all the furniture in the house to different rooms, then painstakingly removing old finish, sanding, and refinishing each room. Furniture was returned to the correct rooms months later.

After experimenting with a number of techniques, Dan settled on the "move quickly and try to avoid getting dog hair in the wet varnish" technique he first saw on "This Old House."

The Murphys were even able to con an unsuspecting Troy into helping to sand Trevor's room. "At first I was just trying to ingratiate myself," he explained. "But once I asked to try out the floor sander, they wouldn't take it back."